Programs Involving Minors on Campus

The University is committed to protecting the safety of the entire University community, including minors visiting our campuses. The University has established expectations and requirements pertaining to Programs involving minors on campus.

All camps, clinics, grant funding, research, and similar programs with minors in attendance occurring on campus are required to register the Program with ProVerify. This includes Programs that are owned or operated by the University as well as non-University-owned and operated Programs taking place on our campuses. In all cases, no Program employees or volunteers are permitted to have contact with any minor in connection with a Program until ProVerify has reviewed the required clearances and approved each such individual. In cases of minors staying overnight on campus or needing transportation, the department will need to consult with Panther Central and Student Affairs.

Programs is defined to include, but is not limited to, camps, clinics, grant funding, research, coursework, and similar programs. This includes Programs that are owned or operated by the University as well as non-University-owned or operated Programs taking place on our campuses. In all cases, no Program employees or volunteers are permitted to have contact with any minor in connection with a Program until ProVerify has reviewed the required clearances and approved each such individual.

Note: If a department has clearance requirements that differ from the requirements below, or questions about registering a Program, they should contact ProVerify by emailing

The following is a summary of the requirements for a responsibility center to most Activities involving minors on campus.

Process for the Registration and Required Clearances for Activities Involving Minors

Responsibility Centers which own or operate Programs and Responsibility Centers which host Programs owned or operated by third parties are required to register the Programs with ProVerify.

  1. The Program Facilitator or Responsibility Center (RC) admin must download the Program Roster template to create a list of all employees and volunteers that will be associated with the Program. Items necessary to complete the roster include: the employee's or volunteer's full name, email address, and phone number. The roster will be cross-referenced with all current employees and volunteers that have clearances currently populated in the ProVerify system. The employee or volunteer will be contacted by phone and email by ProVerify if their clearance information is not in the ProVerify system.
  2. The Program Facilitator or RC admin must complete and sign the RC Certification form for Programs Involving Minors on Campus. The completed form must be uploaded and submitted with registering the Program through the Program registration portal.
  3. After completing the Program roster, the Program must be registered through the Program registration portal. The registration portal has been designed to streamline the registration and clearance review process. Each registered Program will be made viewable within the RC's designated section of the ProVerify system. To follow both PA state law and University guidelines, the Program Facilitator or RC admin is responsible for completing the following steps using this portal:
    • Identify a Program Facilitator (if one has not yet been identified) whom will be responsible for the registration and accountability of the program.
      • The Program Facilitator is responsible for uploading the Program roster that collects the information for the employees and/or volunteers that will be associated with the Program.
      • The Program Facilitator is responsible for uploading the completed and signed RC Certification form.
    • If necessary, upload any required owner or operator licensee agreement.

University Owned and Operated Programs

Required Clearances

The Program Facilitator is responsible for registering the Program with ProVerify and submitting a complete roster of every person who will or may have direct and/or routine contact or direct volunteer contact, as applicable, with minors in connection with the Program. After the roster has been submitted, ProVerify will coordinate the collection of clearances for each individual on the roster. The required clearances are: 

  1. Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check,
  2. Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Child Abuse History Clearance, and
  3. FBI Criminal Record Check.

In limited circumstances, an exception exists for Pennsylvania residents who want to serve as a volunteer with a program or activity associated with the University of Pittsburgh; if an individual has been a resident of Pennsylvania for the entirety of at least the last 10 consecutive years, is not receiving any form of compensation for their participation in the program, and has not committed a Reportable Offense enumerated under Pennsylvania’s Child Protective Services Law, 23 Pa.C.S. §6344(c), they may submit a FBI Volunteer Exemption form in lieu of the FBI background check.

Note: Volunteers using this exemption are still required to submit a Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check and a Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance.

Disclosure Statements are not applicable for Programs involving minors on campus and should not be submitted when registering Programs.

The law permits unpaid volunteers to use clearances that are less than 60 months old (from the conclusion of the Program) regardless of whether the clearance was previously obtained for the purpose of employment or volunteer service. However, prior to commencement of the Program, an individual who relies upon a clearance originally obtained for another entity must sign a Portability Statement to swear or affirm that they have not committed a disqualifying offense. ProVerify will facilitate the process for the Portability Statement.

The law permits new and current employees to use clearances that are less than 60 months old (from the conclusion of the Program) and that were not obtained for volunteer service. However, all employees who use clearances less than 60 months old that were originally obtained for another employer must also sign a Portability Statement to swear or affirm that they have not committed a disqualifying offense. ProVerify will facilitate the process for the Portability Statement.

Completion of the Roster and Submission of the Required Clearances

In addition, prior to commencement of the Program, the Program Facilitator must:

  1. Download and complete the Program Roster.
  2. Download, complete, and sign the RC Certification form.
  3. Attach the Program Roster and the RC Certification form to ProVerify's team at the bottom of the Program Registration page on the Program registration portal.
  4. Review the results of the ProVerify team's findings. Review the clearance status of all relevant Program employee workers and/or volunteers.
    • In the event that the Program worker is also a University employee, the ProVerify system will attach the existing clearances to the Program Report to show the individual working the Program has the required clearances; the ProVerify system will keep records and allow for reports to be created about each Program.
    • If the University employee does not have the required clearances, ProVerify will reach out to the employee once the Program Roster has been submitted to complete the Child Protection Clearance process with them.
  5. Submit ALL documents to ProVerify three (3) weeks prior to the Program start date.
  6. Exclude from the Program any such individual whose record indicates they are disqualified or who does not have the required clearances.

Any Program not in compliance prior to the start date will be subject to cancellation.

Disclosure Statements are not applicable for Programs involving minors on campus and should not be submitted when completing the roster and registering Programs.

Student Volunteers

Please note that the University has changed its policy regarding all volunteers. This applies to student volunteers.

Due to a clarification with PA state law regarding clearances for volunteers, any volunteer in a position that has direct contact or is in care of a minor will require clearances. If volunteers have clearances that are less than 60 months (five years) old, they will be allowed to submit them to ProVerify in lieu of obtaining new clearances. The only exception is when the volunteer is under the age of 14.

Third Party or Non-University Owned or Operated Programs

Required Licenses

The Program Facilitator must require that the owner or operator “licensee” enter into an appropriate license agreements with the University for the use of the University’s facilities, including housing and food services, if applicable. Questions concerning the appropriate license agreements can be directed to the Office of University Counsel at 412-624-5674. The license agreements must obligate the owner or operator to obtain and review the same required clearances described above, dated within the immediately preceding 60 month period from the conclusion of the Program, from all its workers/volunteers who will or may have direct contact with minors in connection with the Program and obligate the owner or operator licensee to provide the University adequately in advance with:

  1. A roster of all Program workers, including volunteers and employees;
  2. Copies of their clearances and, where applicable, Portability Statements (the only individuals requiring Portability Statements are volunteers; employees are required to have clearances);
    • Portability Statements will be facilitated by ProVerify.
  3. A written certification (attestation statement found within the automated roster) signed by an authorized representative of the owner or operator, in form and substance acceptable to the University, stating that the owner or operator has obtained and reviewed the clearances of all of their workers/volunteers and has concluded that none of those on the roster pose a risk to minors under the age of 18 or to others.

Disclosure Statements are not applicable for Programs involving minors on campus and should not be submitted when registering Programs.

Note: License agreements must be submitted to ProVerify, on the Program registration form. Any questions about licensing agreements should be directed to the Office of University Counsel.

Completion of the Roster and Submission of the Required Clearances

Prior to the commencement of the Program the Program Facilitator must:

  1. Download and complete the Program Roster.
  2. Download, complete, and sign the RC Certification form.
  3. Attach the Program Roster and the RC Certification form to ProVerify's team at the bottom of the Program Registration page on the Program registration portal.
  4. Review the results of the ProVerify team's findings. Review the clearance status of all relevant Program employee workers and/or volunteers.
    • In the event that the Program worker is also a University employee, the ProVerify system will attach the existing clearances to the Program Report to show the individual working the Program has the required clearances; the ProVerify system will keep records and allow for reports to be created about each Program.
    • If the University employee does not have the required clearances, ProVerify will reach out to the employee once the Program Roster has been submitted to complete the Child Protection Clearance process with them.
  5. Submit ALL documents to ProVerify three (3) weeks prior to the Program start date.
  6. Exclude from the Program any such individual whose record indicates they are disqualified or who does not have the required clearances.

Any Program not in compliance prior to the start date will be subject to cancellation by the University.

Disclosure Statements are not applicable for Programs involving minors on campus and should not be submitted when completing the roster and registering Programs.

Additional Training and Questions

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse This voluntary training helps individuals with their interactions with minors on campus to both help recognize and report child abuse.

Questions about the Child Protection Clearance process should be directed to ProVerify by emailing

Please reference the University policy on child protection clearances for more information.