OHR Staff Directory

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Laura Ainsley
Manager of Leadership Development
412-624-3340 lla21@pitt.edu
Laura is responsible for providing consulting, coaching, and training to the University community.
Shayla Amin-Jones
HCM Solutions Data Specialist
Lisa Andrud
412-383-5636 lma79@pitt.edu
HR Recruiters are involved in all aspects of recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding staff employees; and represent Pitt at career fairs and community events.
Tom Armstrong
Diversity Recruiting and Transition Consultant
412-648-8375 armstr89@pitt.edu
Tom is responsible for vetting and sourcing candidates through Transitioning Individuals with disABILITIES, building a roster of community partners and referral sources, and assisting in the building of a Veteran's Outreach program.
Aleksandra Arsic
HCM Solutions Manager
412-624-8656 ala460@pitt.edu
Rami Ashamalla
412-383-0932 raa222@pitt.edu
HR Recruiters are involved in all aspects of recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding staff employees; and represent Pitt at career fairs and community events.
Melissa Barr
Business Manager, UCDC
Diane Bartus
Employee and Labor Relations Coordinator
412-624-0214 dlb90@pitt.edu
Diane manages the University's unemployment claims processing and unemployment hearings. Diane is responsible for processing union dues for the SEIU 32BJ, as well as dues for the Local 95 and Local 95 Regionals. She also manages data for union pay rate increases and job transfers.
Lupe Bazan-Sanchez
HCM Solutions Data Specialist
Steven Beck
Employee Relations Specialist
412-624-3334 slb225@pitt.edu
Sofia Bednez
Bradford and Titusville Campuses, Manager of Human Resources
814-362-0251 spb128@pitt.edu
Sofia is responsible for the hiring process of all new staff, including payroll processing, and meets with all new employees regarding health and retirement benefits at the Bradford Campus. She is also a resource for the Bradford Campus community for benefit and payroll information.
Karen Bird
HCM Solutions Analyst
John Blair
Shared Services Representative
Corey Bowlby
Senior Recruiter, All-Temps
412-624-2160 cjb169@pitt.edu
HR All-Temps Recruiters are involved in all aspects of recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding All-Temps employees.
Ashley Boykin
Wellness Specialist
412-624-1541 aboykin@pitt.edu
Ashley assists with the promotion and support of University wellness campaigns and initiatives. She also assists with the long-term wellness strategy to create a culture of wellness on campus.
Lindsey Brennan
TA Recruiting Assistant
(412) 648-8793 lib138@pitt.edu
Jason Brobeck
HCM Solutions Developer/Architect
412-624-8654 jab247@pitt.edu
Erin Brown
Senior Compensation Analyst
412-383-2746 eob6@pitt.edu
Erin is responsible for evaluating replacement requests of non-exempt positions, assisting in completion of benchmarking salary surveys, and processing supplemental pay requests.
Mark Burdsall
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Consulting Services
412-624-8038 pauab5@pitt.edu
Mark oversees and supports the Organization Development, Compensation, and Employee & Labor Relations departments within OHR. Mark also delivers training programs and conducts workflow analysis for the University.
Mary Butch
Employee Relations Specialist
412-383-2460 mlbst79@pitt.edu
Valerie Campbell
Shared Services Representative
Raymond Cerqua
Compensation Analyst
412-383-2754 rac294@pitt.edu
Christine Chapman
Employee and Labor Relations Specialist
412-648-0602 chc269@pitt.edu
Angela Coldren
Greensburg Campus, Director of Human Resources
Matthew Comito
Shared Services Representative
Sarah DeMarco
Student Employment Coordinator
412-383-1744 sad278@pitt.edu
Beth Ann Deutsch
Employee and Labor Relations Manager
412-648-1969 bed64@pitt.edu
Bridget Devine
HCM Solutions Analyst
412-383-2351 brd102@pitt.edu
Rebecca DiPerna
HCM Solutions Data Manager
412-648-0676 red27@pitt.edu
Shanel Divito
Director of Strategic Initiatives
412-648-1591 sjd111@pitt.edu
William Dunleavy
HR Support Specialist, Compensation
412-624-7437 wld11@pitt.edu
Jim Eiben
HCM Solutions Analyst
412-624-8078 jse13@pitt.edu
Kathryn Fortuno
Administrative Coordinator
412-648-9668 ksf37@pitt.edu
Mariah Frantz
HCM Solutions Analyst
412-648-4068 mrd89@pitt.edu
Jenny French
Recruiter, All-Temps
412-383-0291 jmf229@pitt.edu
HR All-Temps Recruiters are involved in all aspects of recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding All-Temps employees.
Anakin Frost
Benefits Analyst, Retirement Savings
412-624-8273 ans446@pitt.edu
Brittany Frund
Benefits Analyst, Health & Welfare
412-624-8050 bat32@pitt.edu
Jyotsna Fulay
HCM Solutions Developer
412-624-6171 jphule@pitt.edu
James Gallaher
Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
James works to help people reach their full potential by leading Pitt's human resources programs and initiatives.
Mithun Gangidi
HCM Solutions Developer
412-383-0706 mgangidi@pitt.edu
Lisa Garland
Director of Talent Acquisition
Lisa is a strategic talent advisor who manages the acquisition and placement process for full- and part-time staff at the University to attract a diverse, qualified candidate pool inspired to work at a mission-driven organization.
Janet Gerster
412-624-4072 jgerster@pitt.edu
HR Recruiters are involved in all aspects of recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding staff employees; and represent Pitt at career fairs and community events.
Ali Gibson
Senior Technical Recruiter
412-624-8036 arg145@pitt.edu
HR Recruiters are involved in all aspects of recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding staff employees; and represent Pitt at career fairs and community events.
Neal Golightly
Learning and Development Coordinator
(412) 648-7361 nrg67@pitt.edu
John Graner
Compensation Analyst
412-648-4671 jrg189@pitt.edu
Paula Gray
Executive Assistant
412-624-8030 pag77@pitt.edu
Paula provides executive assistance to OHR’s vice chancellor and administration group. Paula also leads OHR event planning initiatives and coordinates senior leadership meetings while managing the critical daily office functions.
James Greeno
HCM Solutions Data Specialist
Kelly Hardon
Organization Development Senior Consultant
412-624-8044 khardon@pitt.edu
Kelly manages the Faculty & Staff Development Program, a series of courses offered each spring and fall to enhance employee career skills. Kelly also consults with University organizations on strategic and workflow analysis.
Michaela Hardy
Benefits Analyst, Leave of Absence
412-624-8068 mih131@pitt.edu
Jen Harlacher
Recruiting Assistant for All-Temps
412-624-8377 jeh323@pitt.edu
Nate Harvey
Recruiting Assistant for All-Temps
412-624-8957 nah231@pitt.edu
Jodi Hernandez
Compensation Manager
412-383-6951 jlh315@pitt.edu
Steve Holt
HCM Solutions Analyst
Andrea Horton-Mericli
Diversity Specialist
412-383-2316 ADH194@pitt.edu
Bree Houck
Manager, Talent Acquisition
412-624-2903 bklaja@pitt.edu
Bree develops strategic policies and procedures for talent acquisition, functions as the subject matter expert for recruitment/recruitment operations, and assists with full-cycle recruitments for staff positions.
Alexander Hovanec
HCM Solutions Data Specialist
Lisa Jalvia
Administrative Assistant, Employee and Labor Relations
412-648-1617 lij52@pitt.edu
Kyara Jefferson
Student Employment Coordinator
412-383-5637 kmj72@pitt.edu
Kyara assists with the hiring and onboarding of students for on-campus jobs through Talent Center.
Aynsley Jimenez
Compliance Manager
412-624-8047 pauad5@pitt.edu
Celiwe Jones
Workforce Development Career Counselor
412-624-6260 crj44@pitt.edu
Rachel Kanczes
HCM Solutions Associate Analyst
412-624-9501 rlk64@pitt.edu
Sophia Kazee
HRSS Client Services Team Supervisor
Shared Services Representatives provide customer support for HR systems, including Talent Center, Pitt Worx, and Compliance Center; and offer administrative support.
Jason Killmeyer
Assistant Vice Chancellor of Customer Support, Data and Technology
412-648-3358 jasonk2@pitt.edu
Hanjay Kim
HCM Solutions Data Specialist
Karla Kitner
Johnstown Campus, Director of Human Resources
814-269-7029 kgarman@pitt.edu
Melissa Kluchurosky
Director of Benefits
412-624-8067 mmk35@pitt.edu
Melissa is responsible for leading wellness efforts, managing relationships, and supporting the professional development of the Benefits Department staff.
Mark Kotzin
Communications Manager
412-624-9027 mark.kotzin@pitt.edu
Zach Kurta
412-624-3329 zrk4@pitt.edu
HR Recruiters are involved in all aspects of recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding staff employees; and represent Pitt at career fairs and community events.
Kim Kushon
Director of Administration
412-624-0255 marascok@pitt.edu
Kim oversees the business operations for OHR, including financial controls, contract management, policy/procedure development, IT systems support, communications and facilities projects/needs.
Matthew Lang
HCM Solutions Data Supervisor
Shared Services Representatives provide customer support for HR systems, including Talent Center, Pitt Worx, and Compliance Center; and offer administrative support.
Jared Lanza
Manager, All-Temps
412-624-7450 jfl27@pitt.edu
Jared is involved in all aspects of recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding All-Temps employees at the University.
Malia Lazor
Learning and Development Specialist
412-648-3275 mal703@pitt.edu
Kristy Liberatore
HCM Solutions Senior Analyst
412-383-4824 kal241@pitt.edu
Waide Matthews
Manager, Student Employment
412-383-0528 waide@pitt.edu
Waide assists with the hiring and onboarding of students for on-campus jobs through Talent Center.
Kimberly Mehr
Shared Services Representative
Shared Services Representatives provide customer support for HR systems, including Talent Center, Pitt Worx, and Compliance Center; and offer administrative support.
Jordan Miller
Learning and Development Specialist
412-383-8096 jmmiller@pitt.edu
Jordan is responsible for providing consulting, coaching, and training to the University community.
Joseph Molinaro
HCM Solutions Analyst
412-624-8619 jdm229@pitt.edu
Megan Mough
Manager, HR Shared Services
Mary Neitznick-Oakley
412-383-0321 men78@pitt.edu
HR Recruiters are involved in all aspects of recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding staff employees; and represent Pitt at career fairs and community events.
Tiara Nicholson
Recruiting Assistant
412-624-9059 tkn4@pitt.edu
Tiara assists with posting requisitions for Talent Center, as well as provides customer and administrative support for HR departments.
Michael Nordenberg
Senior Recruiter
412-624-2047 michael.nordenberg@pitt.edu
HR Recruiters are involved in all aspects of recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding staff employees; and represent Pitt at career fairs and community events.
Patricia Osekowski
Compliance Coordinator
hr.pitt.edu/contact-ohr pro16@pitt.edu
Angel Pagan-Cordero
Interim Director of Academic Labor Relations
412-648-0685 ajp255@pitt.edu
Maureen Pastin
Director of Compensation
412-383-2786 mlp144@pitt.edu
Alison Paul
Employee and Labor Relations Project Manager
412-624-8138 all189@pitt.edu
Kim Phillips
Lifestyle Benefits Program Manager
412-624-8040 kdp19@pitt.edu
Kim supervises a staff of Benefits Representatives who offer day-to-day benefits administration for the University including customer inquiries, benefits eligibility and enrollment, and health and welfare benefit plan details.
Harsha Pisipaty
HCM Solutions Developer
412-383-0707 hpisipat@pitt.edu
Kara Puszko
Shared Services Representative
Shared Services Representatives provide customer support for HR systems, including Talent Center, Pitt Worx, and Compliance Center; and offer administrative support.
Lora Rice
Business Administration Manager
412-648-4108 lor16@pitt.edu
Lora assists with day-to-day facilities-related tasks with OHR, coordinating and liaising with various vendors and departments, and provides assistance to the Director of Administration.
Heather Rosati
Employee and Labor Relations Specialist
412-624-9456 HMR69@pitt.edu
Laura Schmid
Director of Shared Services
Laura oversees HR Shared Services by managing the daily workflow of the front desk and distributing tasks as needed to meet Payroll deadlines. She is also responsible for supervising the service center staff and handling customer service inquiries in a timely manner.
John Scifo
HCM Solutions Manager
412-624-6460 jjs23@pitt.eduj
Steven Sesay
Recruiter for All-Temps
Maureen Shearson
412-624-1968 mns39@pitt.edu
HR Recruiters are involved in all aspects of recruiting, hiring, and on-boarding staff employees; and represent Pitt at career fairs and community events.
Kathleen Stewart
Compensation Analyst
412-383-2478 kps21@pitt.edu
Moukthika Thota
HCM Solutions Developer
412-383-4635 mot24@pitt.edu
Meghan Tintera
Manager of Benefits, Health & Welfare
412-624-8054 mferris@pitt.edu
Meghan supervises a staff of Benefits Analysts who administer the health and welfare plans, enrollment eligibility, open enrollment periods, wellness initiatives.
Noah True-Daniels
Employee and Labor Relations Accountant
412-624-8074 ntruedaniels@cfo.pitt.edu
Kumar Vishnubhatla
HCM Solutions Developer
412-624-9091 phk11@pitt.edu
Tammy Weaver
Benefits Analyst, Retiree Benefits
412-624-8057 tew55@pitt.edu
Tammy is responsible for administering health and welfare plans, enrollment eligibility, and benefits packages for University retirees.
Angela Wilson
Shared Services Representative
Shared Services Representatives provide customer support for HR systems, including Talent Center, Pitt Worx, and Compliance Center; and offer administrative support.
Jamie Wincovitch
Director, University Child Development Center
412-383-2100 jmw170@pitt.edu
Katey Woodall
Benefits Analyst, Leave of Absence
412-648-5976 kmw235@pitt.edu
Kate Young
Manager of Benefits, Health & Welfare
412-624-8054 pauko5@pitt.edu
Kate supervises a staff of Benefits Analysts who administer the health and welfare plans, enrollment eligibility, open enrollment periods, wellness initiatives.