On-Demand Benefits Orientation for Faculty and Other Academics

New faculty and academic hires can now access on-demand benefits orientation information and resources virtually. These virtual resources replace in-person orientation sessions that were previously offered for faculty and other academics.

For newly hired faculty and academic hires:

On the Faculty and Other Academics Orientation page on the OHR website, you can review benefits information, learn about and how to use Pitt Worx, and other resources related to your new position and the University.

Select your employment type to review the benefits available to you, including a recording of an overview of benefits, information about how to enroll, and more:

For those who regularly hire faculty or other academics:

Those who regularly hire faculty or other academics are encouraged to update any onboarding materials that are shared with new hires to the new faculty and other academics virtual orientation page: www.hr.pitt.edu/new-employees/new-to-pitt/faculty-orientation

This section includes links to the new hire information for each faculty/academic type and details all of the information that is applicable to new faculty members and other academics at Pitt, including how to enroll for benefits and other University resources.

Questions about this new virtual, on-demand orientation for faculty and other academics, new hire benefits, and more should be submitted to the Benefits Department either by calling 833-852-2210 or submitting an inquiry online.