Financial Literacy Month, April 2022

April is nationally recognized as financial literacy month, and the Office of Human Resources (OHR) is eager to help you obtain your financial goals! Throughout this month, OHR will share information on debt management services, educational webinars on personal finance, retirement plan opportunities, and more to help you manage your personal finances. Whether you’re early on in your career or nearing retirement, we’ve got you covered with a wide variety of resources on many personal finance topics.

A comprehensive look into the world of personal finance

The Financial Literacy Symposium can help you increase your financial wellness and well-being. From identifying the basic elements of a successful portfolio to diving into the world of cryptocurrency, this three-hour virtual session has something for everybody. The symposium takes place on April 5 from 4 to 7 p.m. (ET). Join in anytime to participate in the various sessions offered by leading financial experts.

Defeat your debt and start building for your future

Join TIAA for a webinar designed to help your money work harder for you! Learn how to make this possible by using your cash flow more effectively, developing good savings habits, and better managing your current debt. Tune in to Inside Money: Managing Income and Debt on April 14 from 12 to 1 p.m. (ET) to find out how to turn these ideas into a reality.

Planning for the retirement you deserve

Your retirement should be spent doing the things you enjoy, not spent worrying about money. Retirement Income Diversification – What, Why and How will discuss income diversification strategies and why they are essential to a relaxing retirement. This event highlights four key retirement risks and potential lifetime income sources that can help create a strategy to mitigate them. Join us on April 14 from 3 to 4 p.m. (ET) for these retirement savings tips and more!

Improve your personal finances and increase your financial literacy with these programs offered by Pitt

In addition to a variety of educational sessions, the University also provides a variety of financial resources to help you reach your goals:

  • Finance and Debt Management Services through GreenPath: The University of Pittsburgh offers personalized debt management services to eligible employees through GreenPath. In collaboration with TIAA, this program provides employees with one-on-one finance and debt management coaching services to help alleviate the financial burden of debt.
  • Student Loan Assistance through Savi: Need help managing your student loans? Through a partnership with TIAA and Savi, employees can receive assistance with navigating the world of student loan repayment and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. While student loans can be complicated and overwhelming, Savi easily lays out what programs are available to assist you and how you can sign up and access these programs.
  • Making a Plan for Your Retirement through TIAA: Becoming more conscious about your financial wellness starts with learning how to write your own financial story - one tailored to help you plan for every chapter of your life. Enroll in the University's Retirement Savings Plan, review your choices, or make changes to your selections, and get the storybook ending you deserve.