Following updates to the University’s staff job grades through the Compensation Modernization program, the All-Temps team partnered with the HR Compensation team to review and update pay ranges for future non-union All-Temps positions hired to work at our Pittsburgh campus.
To accomplish this, the teams compared each non-union All-Temps work description to the most closely associated staff job role, pay grade and salary range in order to arrive at updated pay ranges that more closely match the entry point for those associated staff salary ranges. Updating non-union All-Temps pay ranges on a periodic basis allows Pitt to remain competitive with market rates, aiding us in attracting qualified candidates who can meet the needs of the University.
The updated Pittsburgh-based non-union All-Temps pay ranges will go into effect on Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024. Pay rates for any existing temporary assignments or requisitions will not be updated. This change will only affect new requisitions created after the Talent Center work description templates are updated on Jan. 24. The All-Temps team is available to departments to discuss any questions regarding existing temp assignments and their pay ranges.
A chart displaying the updated pay ranges for each non-union All-Temps work description is now available to view on the OHR Talent Acquisition’s SharePoint site (via Passport login). Each work description template in Talent Center will list the updated minimum and maximum pay rates for that category once the changes take effect.
If you have any questions about this change, please reach out to the All-Temps team directly or submit an online inquiry.